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What Is Love?

Emily Jul 19, 2010 2 Comments 7,925 views

What Is Love?

Does he love me? Do i love him? What should i do?

What is love really? How are we supposed to know if it is the real thing?


I have been looking at definitions for love and it seems that there just isn’t one! We are all different and what we count as love can change depending on each one of us.

We get asked so many questions about love. But it really is such a personal thing. What is right for one person doesn’t always work for another.

My view is that feeling that you are at one with someone. That you can be held by someone and close your eyes and you just know that they feel the same way.

The path of love certainly doesn’t run smoothly and when things go wrong it can feel like the end of the world. But love is also about understanding and forgiveness and if you have that then things can and will work out.

What do others think? How would you define love? Feel free to leave a comment!




2 Responses to “ What Is Love? ”
  1. I have to agree with Jacques, I do find the Prodigy are slightly over rated for the albmus since Experience, they were definate pioneers back in the day and Liam is very talented but I don't think the following albmus lived up to Experience. This tune as with all the tunes on Experience are strong candidates in their own right and together as an album mind blowing, but I just don't have that same appreciation for their following work, it could be just me perhaps I don't like the route . cont

  2. Dearest Naomi Rose (you have such a beautiful name!), I could eiasly be your mom (54 candles already). I'm not but I love you nonetheless. I've known you for only a year and I'm really saddened to see you leaving, but I understand. Just know that you have been a great joy and inspiration in my vegan journey. A few more people now know you because I've directed them to your blog. You're a big part of my success as a cook in my family, and I owe you. You made me laugh, you made me love cooking and baking, a big, heartfelt THANK YOU! I will really miss you!

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