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How to tackle fear of loneliness

Emily Sep 17, 2015 No Comment 15,138 views

There are many people who suffer with the fear of being alone, being alone can often make people feel anxious and unhappy. As a social species we crave the company of other’s for many being left on their own can cause them to over think and find they become insecure.

Fear of Loneliness
Fear of Loneliness? We are here to help you.

Though these feelings are not assigned to a age group, it does show as we grow older we cope with these feeling’s better, and start to understand our personality’s more with what we like and dislike meaning we are more able to enjoy activities on our own. Often a big factor for us not wanting to be within our own company is our thoughts become more prominent.

Many people will try to stay social to keep their minds busy, helping with overwhelming thoughts, though for the times you have no one to talk things through with at Agony Aunt we are always here to listen and help with what is on your mind, no matter how small or how confident it is.

Our Agony Aunt Chat and App’s are always 100% confidential and non-judgemental so you can rest assured anything you need support with is always between you and your Agony Aunt of choice.

Often People will come to us that have been in a long relationship or marriage and find they don’t know how to cope with being alone all of a sudden, when they are so used to being part of a duo. This can be a very scary transition and often people will feel nervous or silly for how they feel, this is not the case and is perfectly normal, though there are only so many friends and family you can fill the gap with.

That’s where we come in our App and Chat services are easy to use and quick so you don’t have to sit alone with your thoughts and feeling. The same can be said when friendships end or go separate ways, suddenly the person you share everything with is gone leaving feelings of uncertainty. These feelings often lead to over thinking where feelings of doubt and upset creep in, for example in both situations you can start to think, “What did I do wrong?” Was I not good enough company?”  Chances are it was none of those things and the relationship just grew apart.

This does not help with the now empty feeling you have inside. Often the biggest obstacle here is not knowing what you like to do while you’re alone. Almost like you have forgotten how to entertain yourself. There are only so many films you can watch or books to read.

At Agony aunt we thrive on helping you find the answers to how you were before or what you like to do, now it could be that you have always struggled to be alone and how it makes you feel, again we can help you sort through all of these confusing thoughts and feelings and uncover what it is you are feeling nervous about when your alone. Sometimes just talking things through can be the best medicine.

So don’t sit there worrying download our Agony Aunt App, or try our Instant Live Chat we are here to Listen.




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