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Never Kiss A Man In A Canoe

Emily May 26, 2010 1 Comment 3,473 views

I have come across a fantastic book called Never Kiss A Man In A Canoe by Tanith Carey. It’s a collection of agony aunts advice from the 1850’s to the 1960's.

Never Kiss a Man in a Canoe Words of Wisdom from the Golden Age of Agony Aunts by by Tanith Carey
Never Kiss a Man in a Canoe Words of Wisdom from the Golden Age of Agony Aunts by by Tanith Carey

There are some great pieces in it and how things have changed!

Here is a piece from the Modern Woman dated 1929. Can you imagine the uproar if this kind of advice was given out now?!?

‘Do you believe that petting a child is bad for it?’

‘Yes, decidedly I do. A child gets very much attached to Mother (or Nurse) who feeds and baths it. It should be the mother’s aim to prevent the child getting too attached to her and fondling the child has the opposite effect. The child who gets all this fondling is always looking for it in everybody and is miserable without it. The adult who is always recounting his ills and looking for sympathy is the outcome of too much coddling in childhood. That is why psychologists say too much mother-love is harmful.’

This is from Peg’s Paper 1919

‘Doubtful’ writes:

‘I have been walking out with a young man for the last six months. He takes me for long walks, buys me chocolates and takes me to the pictures, and yet he has never shown me the least affection. My friends all regard him as my sweetheart and it puts me in an awkward position. I am very fond of him. I should be so glad, Peg, if you could tell me what to do.’

Peg says:

‘Get your father, brother or some relation to ask the young man what are his intentions. No young man has the right to monopolize a girl unless he cares for her and hopes to make her his wife. It would be better for you, my dear, to refuse his next invitations, telling him that people are talking about your going out with him so much. Then he’ll begin to think, and when he realizes, he may perhaps know his own mind.’

I just thought these two were hilarious!

‘What can I do with my old man who will persist in calling me Ducks?’

Answer: ‘Quack’

Woman’s Sunday Mirror 1959

‘My second husband is nice, but he will talk to me about his first wife. How can I stop him’

‘Start talking to him about your next husband.’

Tit-Bits 1961

It’s a brilliant book and I would highly recommend it as light hearted reading, especially if you need something to make you laugh!!


One Response to “ Never Kiss A Man In A Canoe ”
  1. It certainly is a good book

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