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Hello To All!

Emily May 21, 2010 4 Comments 3,192 views

Hi and welcome to Instant Agony Aunt's blog.

We are going to be updating the blog regularly with various articles and posts. Some will be for general advice. Maybe if you have come to our site and are looking for advice,  you may find some help in some of these articles.

But don't forget you can talk to an Agony Aunt any time you need to.

We are also going to put some fun items in here too. We all need something to put a smile on our faces!

Hope you enjoy reading this and if you have any suggestions or requests for articles on particular things please feel free to let us know.

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4 Responses to “ Hello To All! ”
  1. Dear Agony Aunt,
    ok I know this will sound crazy and I have tried talking to my best friends but no one seems to understand be. Basically, two years ago Me nad this boy in my class had a thing. Well we weren't boyfriend-girlfriend, we just had a lovey dovey thing. We just had a funny thing. We didnt have a physical relationship. I didnt even snog him. We always joked about how we will get married. Then one day we had an argument and he dragged my by my hair till i fell to the floor. That was the day i started feeling something for him. My friends suggested that I should tell him so I gathered all the courage I had and spoke to him. However, he said he didnt feel the same and that he liked my best friend instead. This really shattered me and I started to distant myself from him but then he still kept doing the lovey dovey things like holding my hand and kissing me and telling me he loves me.
    Now I havent spoken to him in two years but it these two years have been the hardest. I cant forget him. I cant even contact him because there is no way i can get his number. I think about him every day. I havent had a relationship since this has happened with him. I really need help getting over him. Its like i search for him everywhere and in every guy i meet.

    Please help me. I dont want to do this anymore.
    Teka M xx

    • Hello Teka

      I understand what you are saying but if he doesnt feel anything for you then you need to move on you cant make someone want you.You did the right thing by being distant and now you need to try and move on go out meet other people.Come and chat with one of the agony aunts they will be able to give you advice about how to move on with your life

  2. Hey, im stuck in a really akward position as both of my best friends are arguing. Chloe has liked this boy for months and he liked her, but they couldnt be together because of the age difference. Now he likes my other bestfriend Emma and now chloe is taking it out on her when its his fault and not hers, what shall i say/do?

    • Hi Shawna

      It sounds like you need to talk to both of them,ask them if it is worth losing a good friend over a boy.It sounds to me like this boy doesnt know who he wants to be with.Come and have a chat with one of the agony aunts they can advise you

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